The past few months have been extremely crazy! After my last post in March, Jimmy and I started to see each other. A week after we met, he took me out to dinner and we had a great time, got to know each other a bit. We've been together ever since.
I never got back on trace with my school stuff during that semester. I wound up going from averaging 4 A's to only having a 3.0 GPA for the semester. Not my greatest stuff. I was very disappointed in myself. Some things happened at the end of the semester that really threw me off.
Sometime in the beginning of April, I started working. My mom gave me a phone number for a lawyer who was in need of help at his firm. I've been there since. I love it. He mostly does landlord-tenant stuff so I'm learning a lot about LT laws. The only thing that's gonna suck is when February gets here and I need to take a few weeks off.
I'm in my second-to-last semester at CCP. Well, I'm in a half of a semester (summer classes are broken down to two classes each summer session). I only have three more class meetings until the first half is over (taking Educational Psychology and Macroeconomics). I'll have like ten or eleven days off between summer sessions then I'll be back taking Spanish and a humanities elective. Then I just have the fall semester where I'm taking Education 202 (experience class - I will have to actually spend time in a school!), Biology, Child Psychology, and probability math (NOT looking forward to that!). Come December, I'll be finished there and moving onto a four-year school! The only thing is, my first semester at whichever school I attend will probably be online. Just like with work, I'm gonna need some time off come February.
So onto the big news. Jimmy and I are currently looking for a house. One reason is because we both want to get out of our parents house. Another reason is we just want to be together, like a happy little family: me, him, Mollyanne, and our baby, who is due around February 22. I found out that I was pregnant a little more than a week ago. Since the doctor will determine the due date based on my LMP, I am about 5 weeks right now (even though I'm not anymore than three weeks at the most). I had a feeling I was pregnant. The way I was feeling was the same way I felt when I was in the beginning stages of my pregnancy with Mollyanne - extreme exhaustion, sore boobs, craving fast food (with Molly, it was cheeseburgers; this time around it's cheeseburgers and chicken quesadillas). The symptoms are a little bit more intense but not much. I have been having a lot of heartburn. I've been feeling nauseous, which with the first time, I didn't experience it. I haven't gotten sick, just had the feeling. The feeling that I was pregnant began on June 12, so I took a test, even though my period wasn't due until that Thursday, the 16th. There wasn't enough of the pregnancy hormone for the test to pick up on so it came out negative. Friday, I didn't have my period. I had an extra test from when I bought them Sunday. It came up positive. Jimmy and I were going out to dinner that night. When he picked me up, I told him the news. We went to CVS and got more tests because the positive sign was very faint. The second test I took was invalid. So I took the third. Positive.
I announced the news to only a few people. I can't hold it in any longer. Our parents know and a few other people. I can't hold it in any longer. I have my first doctor's appointment on July 12. We should be able to hear the heartbeat, which honestly, I kinda hope we don't so I can get an ultrasound! When I had my first appointment with Molly, the doctor couldn't find her heartbeat so she sent me for the ultrasound. We're both happy. I had mixed feelings about the pregnancy at first but now, it's exciting! We've already discussed names. I don't care what it is, boy or girl, and I don't think Jimmy cares either (though he's been saying 'him' and 'son'). We're gonna be parents and Mollyanne is going to be a big sister!