Michael Strange, a Philly native, was one of the brave men in Navy Seals Team 6 who died last week in the helicopter that was shot down. His sacrifice gives people freedom of speech like those in the Westboro Baptist "Church." They are planning to picket at his funeral. It is absolutely ridiculous that they are allowed to do this. That poor family is already going through hard times and to have them at his funeral, holding up signs that say "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" is horrible. These people deserve to be shot. I'm Catholic but not an entirely religious person. God doesn't hate anyone. God loves. God forgives. He doesn't hate 'faggots' or the world. People say if God existed, bad things wouldn't happen in the world. There has to be suffering for there to be sorrow. If there wasn't suffering, the world would be in even more peril. RIP to the brave souls who have lost their lives while serving our country and ensuring our freedom. RIP Michael Strange.
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